Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friendly Reminder

Yep, I am now aware that winter is on its way. Old man winter has sent a few friendly reminders of this fact our way over the past week. Monday was our first snow in the lower elevation. It started sleeting in early morning and within an hour of that it was snowing. We had about a half inch that stuck for a few hours and then the sun came out in the afternoon and wa-la, all the snow was gone. It was nice to have a bit of a warm-up and see the sun. Yesterday was gorgeous...sunshine galore, but still cool. Then, I checked the weather last night and we were first, under a winter storm warning, which was quickly downgraded to a winter weather advisory. When I woke up at 7am, there was already an inch or so of snow on the ground and it is now after noon and still snowing. I can tell its not sticking as well and the temperature has risen slightly, but it is supposed to snow off and on for the next few days. I doubt it will stay very long, but again, I think it is just a reminder of what is yet to come. I went outside in my sassy new snow boots (pics coming soon), a t-shirt, sweatshirt, light jacket, and toboggan, and I was actually a bit too warm. It is not near as cold as most people would think. The temp has been staying around the freezing mark and little above.

It was so beautiful, still, and quiet this morning. The horses were huddled in their stalls waiting to be fed and wondering what was going on. The dogs LOVE the snow, especially Kenai. He was made for it. Molly likes it too, but she has a much harder time smelling her way to her ball when there is snow on the ground. I captured some funny shots of them all going crazy in the snow this morning

Ewan was begging to be let out for his usual morning romp, so I let him...thinking he would freak out at the snow and want right back in the house. Well, he ventured off the porch and down by the river for an hour or so, but as soon as I went out to call him, he came running!...stopping every two or three strides once on the porch to shake the snow off his paws, like cats do when they get their feet wet. It was too funny. Ewan has also been taking advantage of the gas heater in the living room...he has figured out that it is warm there and has claimed the area right in front of the stove as his new napping place.

More to come soon...

Ewan napping in the best spot in the house.

Pre-snow view of the river just up the road from the house (in yesterday's sunshine).

View of the mountains to the east of Republic, taken leaving Republic (the furthest ones are dusted with snow)

Snow from first thing this morning.

Outside this morning with the dogs

Snow on the pine needles

Ranger finally coming out of the stall to eat...notice how he graciously knocked the door off (from Monday)...always into trouble :)

Ranger in the snow

Molly in the snow

Playing fetch in the snow

Doggy paw print

Pic of the roundpen...the snow was curling around the railing...weird but neat.

Weird snow formation on the roundpen

Snow curling all the way around railing

1 comment:

The Sumner's said...

I like the picture of Ranger in the snow, the up close could go on a postcard!!! You are crazy to already be that n=much into winter!!!